I’m Christopher Baughman. I live in Harrisburg, and I create things.
I’ve loved taking things apart and putting them back together in new ways since I was a child. When I was around 10 I started to find weird bugs in video games that made me investigate how I could use those bugs in new ways. Eventually I started coding. I love solving problems by engineering a solution in code.
The only thing I loved more than computers as a kid was space. I started collecting copies of all of the space agencies published pictures. Then I started learning about how everything here came from up there. My interest in astrophysics developed to satisfy my curiousity of how everything works and fits together.
In 2003 I started freelancing under the name Baughman Consulting. This opened the way to learning about various aspects of technology. I did jobs for a large web hosting company, wrote software for truckers to bid on jobs faster, and even worked on early implementations of Build a Bear applications. Years later, I created custom Android builds (ROMs) for HTC, Motorola, and Google phones.
Today, I write code for many different companies and try to solve their largest problems. I build various equipment with Raspberry PIs, and explore radio frequencies with software defined radio. I have written large scale applications that are still in use all across the north American supply chain, and smaller scale financial applications for an insurance company. I love learning, and continue to create new things all the time.